Bilingual Work Safety Specialist, Speaker, and Trainer

Safety Training
That Stays With You

Making construction and general industry safety stick with funny and unforgettable tales that ensure the message sinks in

John Hale:
Bilingual Work Safety Professional, Speaker, and Trainer

John's Cutout

Schedule your free strategy call with John

What’s in it for you?

In construction and general industry, it is essential to invest in safety training that does more than point out
obvious hazards. Safety training should be ingrained and used by everyone every day. 

Effective safety training ensures the following:

Fewer on-site accidents and injuries

Fewer fatalities

Steer clear of potential lawsuits

Avoids rising insurance costs

Helps prevent damage
to equipment and property

A Safer Workplace Starts
With Captivating Safety Training

Ignoring safety procedures is potentially lethal. The danger starts with ignoring safety training.

Not everyone likes rules, but everybody loves a good story.

Safety speaker John Hale, who is a longtime construction and general industry safety manager, gets through to your team with stories that are engaging, light-hearted, and most importantly, memorable.

He helps managers and workers on teams that operate in high-risk work environments capture the vision of a zero-injury workplace with captivating first- and second-hand stories from the field. He makes presentations in-person or virtually.

An Authorized OSHA Outreach Trainer, John Hale eliminates the boring when it comes to safety presentations. That saves lives.

John Helps Leaders and Teams:

  • Become more people-oriented so they’re always looking out for one another’s safety
  • Treat safety with the same urgency and importance as productivity
  • Create systems and strategies for managing, measuring and evaluating safety
  • Identify hazards and avoid dangerous shortcuts
  • Help workers follow the company’s safety systems


Capture the vision of a zero-injury workplace with John’s inspiring stories and ideas that vividly and colorfully illustrate safety strategies. With a dynamic, engaging style both in front of a live audience and in a livestream presentation, John expertly delivers the message straight to the heart, creating a moment of clarity for managers and workers alike.


Gain an overhead view of building trusting relationships that foster efficient teams. John’s in-person and virtual training sessions for supervisors, managers, and executives emphasize the importance of working as a team, looking out for each other, identifying hazards, avoiding shortcuts and correcting dangerous habits.


Discover insights for establishing an abundantly safe workplace. John offers strategies for having workers’ compensation claims fall dramatically and reaching workers when they’re most receptive to correcting unsafe habits. More than a book on safety, Zero Injuries is about why successful teams should always keep an eye out for one another.

No More Boring Safety Briefings

Get 7 Ways to Make Safety More Interesting and Engaging

    John’s Safety Story

    When John made rank in the United States Air Force, he was given a choice. He could either serve as construction and general industry safety manager or work in a role he wouldn’t call his forte.

    With 7 years of construction and general industry experience, John made the easy decision.

    Not long after, John delivered a briefing to 500 construction workers. He used humor to help make the stories memorable. A couple years later, he was approached by someone who attended the briefing.  He asked if they could recall the moral of one of the tales?

    “Yeah,” the audience member replied. “If you’re not authorized or trained to operate that piece of equipment, don’t operate it. Get the right person.”

    John has been making safety stick ever since.

    “John does a great job putting the concepts into action and demonstrates how a culture can function with the right support, commitment, practice, and beliefs.”
    “Good common sense advice and ideas to operate safely. I enjoyed the personal stories that are relatable and helpful to remember the lessons taught.”
    “John shares his wealth of experience to convince lax workers to step up and help each other avoid unrecoverable accidents.”
    “My favorites are when he falls into a trench at night, and when his mother is saved by a Wonder Woman type heroine, on a Hawaii beach.”

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    Capture the Vision of a Zero-Injury Workplace.

    Hire John to Speak at Your Next Event!

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